The puffle party is on TODAY!! Go down there and transform into a puffle!! This is going to be a fun party!! Oh yes and have you seen our new...Poll page? Check it out and vote on out latest poll!! Anyway there are also free items in cp! Like...THE NEW PARTY HAT THT'S FOR THE PUFFLE PARTY!!! Go out and have fun on cp!
-Waddle on cpcp! Quigley8, Co
Hey... About that puffle party, There is going to be one!! I'm exited! It says on the front page that you will be able to transform into a puffle if you're a member!! So non-members....BUY THOSE MEMBERSHIPS AND BE ABLE TO TURN INTO PUFFLES!!! Read more about it....
There is a new pin called the "cheese" pin. It's in the boiler room! Go and get it before time runs out!
Hey, Quigley8 here, There is this really cool new penguin style up until march 1st to march 3rd so be quick, there are some items there in the catalog that might never come back again! Grab em' and get into style on cp! Here is a picture:
Puffle themed hey? That might just mean a... PUFFLE PARTY!! Well, MAYBE...
HEY! The people at cp Canada are having a day to stop bully's! Or as  How happy77 said it:

The Club Penguin office in Canada is supporting Anti-Bullying Day! Every year, the team wears pink shirts to help take a stand against bullying! Want to get involved? Wear a pink shirt on Club Penguin to show your support. I've got my favorite pink shirt on! In other news... Stay tuned for a sneak peek of what's coming to Club Penguin in March here on the blog! Waddle on! :)-Club Penguin Team By Happy77 on February 29 2012 02:47 |

ya, that's what she said.
The cp loading arrow has changed to this:
AND this:
Cool eh? I'll keep you updated more and more!




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